P-Shot Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, which is one of the most common male sexual health problems, is the greatest barrier to satisfactory sexual intercourse among men afflicted with the issue. Numerous methods can be employed to treat erectile dysfunction. It is possible to ensure a happy sexual life with a treatment plan created by an andrologist and urologist based on the patient’s medical history and underlying factors. P-Shot (PRP) treatment for erectile dysfunction is one of the most preferred procedures among nonsurgical options. P-Shot (PRP),which has been referred to as the magic inoculation, initiates the tissue repair process by stimulating stem cells, and a few sessions could eliminate erectile dysfunction completely.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, known colloquially as impotence, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to start and/or sustain sexual intercourse. Men from all age groups can experience erectile dysfunction, which becomes a more common problem with old age. Studies have shown that erectile dysfunction prevalence is 40% among men over 40 years old and 70% among men over 70 years old.

Avoiding professional support for impotence, which significantly decreases the quality of life, is the most significant barrier to treatment. Since erectile dysfunction might be caused by psychological factors and cardiovascular problems, treatment must not be disregarded.

What are the Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction?

The first thing to do to treat erectile dysfunction is to identify the cause of the problem. Impotence is often caused by physiological factors, such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity, and hypertension, or psychological factors, such as depression. When erectile dysfunction reasons are considered, psychological factors are more prominent across the young age group, and both physical and psychological reasons are prominent for men over 35 years old. These factors can be grouped as follows:

Physical Reasons

  • Cardiocascular system problems (past heart attack, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.),
  • Diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, cirrhosis, and kidney failure,
  • Some lung diseases (COPD, sleep apnea, etc.),
  • Neurological problems (diseases such as epilepsy, stroke, or MS),
  • Effects of drugs and therapies (antidepressants, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy),
  • Hormonal disorders and imbalances (various endocrinological problems, especially thyroid problems),
  • Structural anomalies (Peyronie’s disease etc.),
  • Certain surgeries.

Psychological Reasons

  • Depression,
  • Excessive stress/post-traumatic stress disorder,
  • Anxiety disorder,
  • Sexual anxiety and taboos,
  • Lack of self-confidence,
  • Psychiatric diseases.

How is Erectile Dysfunction Treated?

To treat erectile dysfunction, an andrologist first conducts certain tests and examinations. The first stage involves learning the patient’s medical history in detail. Then, certain tests are conducted to identify the underlying reasons. The main factor is then identified with blood and urine analysis and colored Doppler ultrasound, and the erectile dysfunction treatment regime is planned for each patient. Impotence problems due to other diseases can be solved by treating the underlying disease.

Oral medicine, sexual therapy, and medication injected into the penis can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. In recent years, shock wave treatments and the P-Shot procedures have contributed to positive results for patients who have experienced erectile dysfunction. The last option for impotence when the issue does not respond to these treatments is the penile implant.

What is P-Shot PRP?

Plasma-rich platelets (PRP),which are used in various fields such as gynecology, dermatology, orthopedics, and cosmetic procedures, are the processed blood collected from individuals. This PRP fluid is rich in platelets and growth factors, and it is applied to the targeted area. PRP fluid will start to engage in repair work as soon as it is applied, and these platelets will engage in tissue repair, tissue growth, and stem cell stimulation for regeneration and a younger look.

The cavernous (spongy) tissues, muscles, and penile vessels that play a role in an erection can be repaired with P-Shot (PRP) treatment in men with erectile dysfunction. P-Shots will help repair capillary vessels, cavernous tissue, and other muscles that impact blood circulation and support new vessel formation, tissue regeneration, and repair to help treat impotence.

How is the P-Shot Procedure Performed?

Two test tubes of blood (20 cc) are collected from the patient to perform a P-Shot, which is one of the most preferred techniques for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. PRP fluid is obtained using various filters and centrifuges. This fluid contains a high level of PDGF, VEGF, TGF-α, and TGF-β, which are growth factors and platelets. This obtained fluid is injected into cavernous tissue on both sides of the penis.

The P-Shot procedure can be completed in approximately 30 minutes. Depending on the patient’s complaints, 4 sessions applied once every 15 days can help treat erectile dysfunction. The procedure must be repeated after 3 months to make the effects permanent, and session number and frequency should be planned according to the patient’s condition. Individuals can immediately return to their normal life after the P-Shot (PRP) treatment, and they can have sexual intercourse on the same day.

Who can Receive P-Shot (PRP) Treatments?

The P-shot (PRP) procedure is applied when individuals have erectile dysfunction due to physiological reasons, such as the following:

  • Advanced age,
  • Hypertension,
  • Diabetes,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Damage from smoking,
  • Chemotherapy- and cancer treatment-related impotence.

Warning: Erectile dysfunction patients using anticoagulants should stop using the medication 5 days before P-Shot (PRP) treatment. Additionally, patients who use antibiotics should first complete their antibiotic treatments.

Benefits of P-Shot Treatment

P-Shot treatment helps with permanent tissue repair using advanced technology and is effective in preventing other sexual dysfunctions, as well as erectile dysfunction.

The benefits of the P-Shot treatment are as follows:

  • Erection quality improves.
  • The procedure contributes to eliminating early or late ejaculation.
  • Sexual performance might improve.
  • Penis size might show slightly visible growth.
  • Sexual satisfaction will be regained, and self-confidence will increase.

P-Shot Treatments in Istanbul

P-Shot treatment is a common erectile dysfunction treatment applied in Istanbul and other cities. This procedure can be done in one day since there is no need for hospitalization. However, just like any other treatment, the P-Shot procedure must be performed in a hygienic environment with quality equipment by expert andrologists.

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P-Shot Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
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